Saturday, March 22, 2014

When I'm not feeling sad, I'm angry. When I'm not feeling sad or angry, I'm feeling confused. These three emotions have basically consumed by entire spring break this year. I lay here drinking what's left of a bottle of cranberry and rum and another bottle of cranberry and brandy and I can't help but feel so pathetic. I spent so much time on you. I thought you actually loved me too. What a fool I was. For putting all of myself into someone. Someone I should've known would leave. I mean you left your ex of what two months why wouldn't you lose feelings for some girl of seven. I'm so dumb. I'm so done. I'm forced to keep moving forward. I just don't know, don't really want to either.

I get to come to campus a single girl... yippee... hooray... I'm just soooooooo excited. 

Well just hope you're happy. That's what matters and without me I'm sure you are. I bet you're a million times happier. Sorry to keep you from that. My sincerest apologies. 

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