Sunday, November 1, 2015

B0gGles mY m!nd

It boggles my mind how you didn't want to make a girl you hardly knew embarrassed and/or awkward for forcing herself onto you. 

It boggles my mind that she treated you like a piece of meat saying she would make out with you and rape you even and you just let her be all over you. 

I can only imagine how much you would like it if a guy told me even just the conversation starter that she used. Why would Estee have any issues with some girl thinking that I'm cute? But I guarantee that if any male called me cute you'd be wishing death upon them. Apparently nothing she said or did bothered you which boggles my mind completely. Apparently telling a girl off is a bad thing because you're a guy but as a girl it's completely fine. It's especially fine to blow off guys as soon as they say, "Hello," to you. Especially fine to tear down another girl for encroaching on my man because he is too "nice" to say anything realistic. And then you claimed that you told her all about your girlfriend but when she asked what you were up to or what you did for Halloween you didn't have much to say. It's just so interesting to me when something like this happens because you're always ready to say that I don't empathize with you and that I love to ignore you. And I'm not even jealous of her being or worried of you cheating it's just interesting that all of a sudden when someone was throwing themselves at you, you couldn't get out of the situation. 

But I shouldn't even be mad at you. I'm over here mad at myself because come to think of it I could have acted on it. I should've known you didn't want to look like a bad person and sacrificed my own self-image to save you from such a difficult situation. I should have popped her in the face. Oh wait did I really just say that? Peaceful Estee really just said that she would pop another female in the face for flirting, cat-calling, and intruding on her boyfriend's life. I should have told her thirsty butt to go back to where it came from. I have all these brilliant ideas the day after when the night of all I could do was get myself to the bathroom and completely walk passed you two in the doorway rather than hearing your meaningless conversation whilst trying to fall asleep. She and you made me want to puke more than my hangover and that's what drove me straight to the bathroom. I was so shot. I was so happy to finally be in bed after not having my night go as planned. After not getting work done and after not watching Wallace and Gromit with you. But then for her to swoop into the picture I should have taken out every bit of frustration on her. I wish I had made sure she felt like a tramp. 

It boggles my mind that in order to prevent looking like a bad RA you would rather be sexually assaulted. You don't like desperate girls but when they attack why/how are you so ready to entertain them? I just wonder why you value time spent communicating with them. It boggles my mind that I don't know the answers to such mundane questions. 

It boggles my mind how you don't appreciate me talking to guys when they aren't flirting with me and when we communicate as friends but when a girl (I don't even want to call her a girl because she makes me ashamed to be a girl for not picking up your very subtle, subliminal messages that went along the lines of, "please stop talking to me," and for not stopping her nonsense after hearing that you have a girlfriend) comes over and wants to talk about raping you and making out with you and how cute you are that you willingly prolong the conversation. You all of a sudden don't have any escape routes planned. But I mean you told her you had a girlfriend so you must be totally in the clear. Especially since after you told her that and she asked if things would be awkward that no of course not. Especially since she made sure to mention how she'd love to make out with you but hahaha that's fine too, no worries there we all like to tell everybody how much we'd like to make out with them and hear all about the dirty things they want to do to us. I mean I definitely want to hear another guy tell me he wants to rape me, I feel like you would completely understand why I'd love to listen to that. It boggles my mind how do you even respond!?! I liked how when she asked if she was bothering you, no of course not. I like how whenever she made a sneaky comment, mostly some type of sexual innuendo, that there was no sort of consequence. It's like nothing she said was wrong. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror after not being able to throw up shaking. Mostly because I had no idea what I could possibly do and mostly because I didn't want to see her standing in front of the doorway talking to you, giggling, and tearing your clothes off piece by piece with her promiscuous eyes. She had the gall to say hi to me as I walked back into the room. The gall. All that mattered to her was your pretty face, your mouth and/or your dick. And then you come back into the room as if the entire circumstance was handled well and that nothing happened because you hadn't stood there making out with her as if you never gave in to her unforgiving commentary. Nothing you did was wrong. You Saint you for making sure that she wasn't awkward or anything for putting her liquid courage to the test with you. I wish I had more balls. Especially would have loved to have ripped her apart. 

You poor thing the first thing you told me was how you were going to have nightmares over imaginary clowns when a real-life clown came into your life and interrogated and threw herself onto you but there was nothing that you did about it except of course continuing your involvement with her. I was living in a real-life nightmare while you wanted me to protect you from ones that hadn't even occurred yet. 

But I must have this entire situation all wrong. I must've not understood you when you kept talking to her. I didn't take for granted the fact that you told her you'd leave when I came back from the bathroom while I was taking my sweet time in there to save myself from emotional turmoil. Good thing I had no idea of such a plan. I wonder how much longer you'd let her relentless trifling continue. I hope her attention made you feel better with yourself because that's about the only positive aspect I could see from interacting with that beast. 

I didn't matter during the entire time while you were out there precipitated with coquetry and that boggles my mind

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