Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On August 2nd at 8:45pm he texts me, "Well. Youre done with me and most likely found someone else. So ill delete your number and just try to forget about you. I love you. Goodbye." That's really been the end. I believe he has kept his words & we haven't spoken since. I mean yes I miss him but with him texting me it made me miss him so much more & made me want to go back to him. It made it harder for me to stay strong. Knowing that he really is out of my life kinda makes me a bit happier. If I didn't make a cautious effort when we were going out to see him then I wouldn't so I'm not worrying about seeing him, I mean besides school. I feel like in school it might get a bit awky but we shall see. For some reason I feel like darting away at the sight of him but I can't let him hold me back from anything and that means no matter what I'm not stopping/ giving up on anything just because of him. I'd hope he would do the same. I just deleted whatever music I had for him on my itunes.
I guess that is all.

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