Sunday, August 17, 2014

Two opposing forces typically achieve the worst from each other yet they pull together like magnets. You'd think two positive opinions and two negative opinions would attract to each other but magnets like life don't work out that way. You disagree. You fight. You want things your way and the other person thinks the same way. Things don't work out how you've planned and if you truly want something you must fight for it.
People are just different. Personalitywise, their logic, actions, desires they all make us important in our own way. I hope you have the courage to allow yourself to show your true colors even if it's only with a special someone. Someone who appreciates you for all you put out is a keeper. If they're not afraid to tell you like it is cherish them.
In the past & currently I am not the best at being respectful, caring, sympathetic, empathetic, nice, and even loving. I am naive. I don't think I'm doing something wrong til a person tells me and then I meltdown at the hearing of all the bad traits I have although I basically knew I inherited them. I don't mean to ever hurt anyone or disrespect them or make them think I don't care for them. It's not something I mean to do. I've managed to do this quite a lot sometimes I believe I really should change but in the moment I'm me and I have a hard time changing something I'm unsure of. I sometimes think accepting someone for everything they do is a part of love. Love can stir many other emotions but true love never takes away from how much you adore, care for, and appreciate the other person. I mean I may be wrong I may have a different definition of love than you. I may believe in nothing more than a common lie. But I am passionate about one thing and that's love. It's all around us. It's within us. As is the opposite - hate - is prevalent. We decide which we want to feel. I may love going out and doing things to a certain degree. You may hate what I love. That doesn't affect how much I love you. If I love you I love all of you.
From your back freckles to your smile to your hair which I love running my fingers through to the way your arms feel when they're wrapped around me or your legs when they're intertwined with mine or your fingers as they trace my body and allow me to do the same to your brain and your curiosity and your willingness to try new things and to be better to so many more irresistible things about you; I can't get enough of you. I love it all. I love the way you make me feel for the most part and hate myself for unintentionally hurting you, yes the spite hurts but I guess I deserve it if I hurt you. You're still here and idk for how long. That's more frightening than anything. You're right any day could be our last. I hope not anytime soon. There's a lot I still would like to experience with you. I just hope you don't give up on me soon. I know you've found plenty of reasons that you might already. I know I don't do a great job of convincing otherwise and I'm sorry for that. I'm not all that great. I've warned you.

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