Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hi hi hi ! Woahh it's December my last post was from the summer ! What can I say? Well I likee lovee high school; At least I likee the people around me. I likee having track friends, outside friends, and friends in every single class that I can just have so much fun with. :)

Track is amazing at least I feel good about all the work I do, and if you don't stop, and never give up, then we won't stop giving all we got ! I have grown to love farmville/facebook/ and socialvibe ! I still like all my old friends from 75 though ! I don't get to see them much but I guess I can keep in contact with everything; isn't it the worst to lose contact with someone?

I have also mastered the secret to shiny hair that way if you go to track everyday and wash your hair everyday it won't damage your hair but enhance it. The secret is. . . . . . . . 
dun dun dun dun. . . . . . . 
not much of a secret anymore . . . . . 
but all it is. . . . . . . . . 
is. . . . . . . . . . 
baby shampoo
And I'm not even kidding it is harmless to hair after all it is baby shampoo.

I absolutely cannot wait Winter is almost here! That means sledding, hot cocoa, coldness, and coziness galore. Plus the fact that I have extra weeks off from school that I didn't have before is just amazing :)

Add this to the list of movies you have to see before you die:

Bambi, Bambi 2, and The Breakfast Club n__n

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sup fellas :) My summer was interesting: Connecticut, Washington, track camp, Dominican Republic, Atlantic City, track, track, and much more track; Basically track is every day which is semi good, cuz I am getting so much better through the daily practices but I don't really have much of a life :/ Hmm doesn't that sound amazing but I really am getting good (I can run more than 4 and 1/2 miles even though meets are only 1 and 1/2 miles and 40-50mins straight now) I must run whenever I'm not at practice or I'll take a step behind. Our first meet is next Saturday at Clove Lakes Park and I was in Dominican Republic when Lope showed the course (Lope is my coach it's really Lopez but idk Lope sounds much better) He was planning on showing the course tomorrow but I'll be in Canada... woot woot! How am I going to race? Well I pretty much don't know. Whattan update this was. I didn't mention that my camera got stolen in Dominican Republic and how the corrupt person won't be able to charge it and what is that person going to do with my pictures on it and what will Mr. Evil tell his/her buddies when they ask him/her where they got it from, because "I stole it from a 14yr old girl" makes them seem like such a nice person doesn't it?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

freshmeat soon !

our robes are off,
our time has come,
it's not enough,
it's time to see what we can become.
the summer's in,
school is done,
soon our new lives will surely begin,
and our old lives will surely be gone.

memories lasting,
emotions contrasting,
high school is nerve racking !

Btw I got a 96 on the ss regent and a 95 on the math just for everyone's information, I'm not trying to brag it to everyone at all, even though my last name starts with brag but still lmaoo 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Well this is why I feel my mom doesn't believe in any of my successes:
After I didn't get into science institute in tott and tech she was mad disappointed even though I wasn't that disappointed, and I'm working so hard on this regent stuff and I qualify and all and then she's still not happy, cuz a non scholar got into med tech which I applied for and I am in Arista and Scholars and in a regents class, she's thinking of putting me into some separate math tutoring course that I don't want neither need, she doesn't care about any of my great successes cuz last marking pd Mrs. Chan gave me an 85. Momma went crazy.
She didn't care bout my 92 (quiz) 93 (test), 94 (test), but it's fine cuz right now I'm not doing anything for her it's for myself; if she has more belief in my non-arista qualifying non-scholar sister that is barely making it needing a lot of extra credit then fine I don't care.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Well then, 5 days til my bday and 2 days til my new phone so a lot of waiting. Also Sims 3 comes out tom not that Sarah and I were counting down the days or anything like that :) Btw yesterday it was 6 days till 6/6 (which is my birthday) lmao creepy right! Also at six flags I did manage to go on Nitro (my 1st roller coaster) and Batman (amazing ! esp for scaredy cats like me) and I was very pissed cuz on my first time on a roller coaster they didn't take a picture of my reaction. A one in a million reaction was not taken ! Well this should all be made up by me getting a new phone in 2 days ! :D

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I was mad mad so I wrote this. I really like it ; It was written on the back of a scrap piece of paper in red marker.

Going Mad

when a match is lit under yourself
who's to say it can't be extinguished?
when you go mad who's to blame but yourself?
who's to say you won't find sanctity?
what about serenity?
when a match is lit under yourself
will your boiling point maximize?
will it feel better breaking things? --like a shelf?
you can't get rid of those terrible lies
just starting to realize !

Alright I realize it's a bit dramatic but I was mad and seriously for once I felt a bit like Cole in TSB (Touching Spirit Bear) for some reason the sound of "delinquent" amuses me. I mean just because someone goes to jail that doesn't always make them a bad person, people can be wrongfully accused and here I go on and on about our umm jail system, no thanks ! Urff I have a lot of things to be happy about yet I can't find sanctity from one person -- It-- No names will be mentioned in this post as usually I don't mention names but as of now that name belongs to the devil herself-- my evil sister ! I'm not mad right now but remembering that time/day makes my insides tingle v__v. 

Side note: Six flags tom I can't wait !

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Alrighty then. Just had one of those heart to heart talks with mommy about high school. She's very upset I didn't make it into..well med tech or science institute and really I dunno why I didn't get in. I'm going with the fact that mostly it's a raffle and the 89 I got in science last yr doesn't help yet that was my lowest grade the whole year !

I'm not too upset. I'm staying calm because I have a lot ahead. Let's say we're crossing a bridge: well what if the big bridge has a little bridge underneath [even though this will probably never happen] and you fall off the bridge you were initially on, that little bridge could direct you faster than the massive bridge you were on ever would; so really opportunities are endless. Wish my mom understood that point.

Friday, April 24, 2009

When I'm Down

waiting for tomorrow,
going to hide the sorrow,
breaking into a meltdown,
displaying a humongous frown,
I am sensitive,
a bit imaginative,
a person, an action, or a thing becomes my rival,
Why not try and see that this isn't fictional?,
see that it is okay to show emotion,
where is the potion?,
for being sorrowful,
and yet hopeful,
waiting for tomorrow,
and yet hiding that sorrow,
losing all that I feel,
ready to kneel,
wishing to forget about your own causes,
see there are no pauses,
in the thing, the feeling, the importance called emotion.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poem inspired by the song 'Walking in a Winter Wonderland':

Meadows green and glistening,
Fountain water soothing and trickling,
Time is slowed,
And problems are diminished,
Life is well,
What a story to tell,
A beautiful sight,
For everyone tonight.




Stuck in your own fantasies,

For life is all about realities,

And most things you will not get,

But every phase has a yet.

And love is smeared all around,

Not a single thing on the ground.

For this is wanting,


And for everything has its time,

For nothing can forever be as sour as a lime.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well since I really don't have any "news" then imma post one of my poems on this here blog:

HappinessClouds have uplifted,
Showers have diminished,
And rainbows are all we see for miles around,
Frowns are upside down,
Love is in the air,
Nobody will care,
For this is true happiness,
Times when you show your strangeness,
For different is better,
For you’re not the center,
People around you can dance and pray,
For this is the most awaited day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Title

A name represents a person or action or many other things. This person's name is It. It smokes so much ! I hope It dies of smoking. And after It dies of smoking every time I visit It's grave I will bring a cigarette just for It. When I pleaded for It to stop It didn't, so I won't stop either. It stomped up to me. So I will stomp all over It. It will never be treated as part of me or as the same part of me ever again.

Truly in tears...

Btw there are a million ways It could've carried out the situation. But It used the 1,000,001 way that everyone leaves in the back of their mind to use... NEVER !

Also did you know chu is a real word. I believe that anything on a map is a real word. See for yourself:

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Believing in the stars, or the vast area of pure space. 
All the glistening stars. 

I used to feel that the Earth was sooooo big. But really the Earth is on a speck of dust or something else microscopic to the universe. 

Isn't the area of blue just beautiful. Clouds drifting with the softness of cotton candy. 

I am a big fan of water. It comes from my grandma. She can't stay away from a body of water wherever she goes. I feel that water is amazing. After all water is the main reason I continued gymnastics. Water taught me independence and sticking up for myself. I feel that I would never get my cartwheel down without my pool. :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Although I am Jewish I believe that going to church during mass is quite interesting. The feel around the church was of holiness, peace, and silence. The melody and sound coming from the altar was different from any concert and/or CD I've ever heard. Times like this were times when you could just feel the unity. During a moment of silence you could just sense that God was waiting for each prayer through the stained glass windows. The ceilings were so high up that it made me feel that God was looking down at the little place people just may call sanctity. The engravings on the walls were beautiful they spoke of an olden language (bible). I feel that church is very mind clearing and lets you have faith in things other than each other.

God can't let you down can he?

I believe that understanding a religion other than Judaism shows what ideas attract which people. After all we are the choosers of the religion we practice. And we have the freedom of religion.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


The time when schools are hardly even thought of, the time of sleeping, and chilling, more friend action than ever ! It's all great. Break is my time for sleepovers and as a girl it's definitely a girls night out ;)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines day is a pretty cool day. It is a day where you can celebrate the passion you share with others. They don't have to be your significant other or someone you crush or lust for although that is what the holiday is ultimately made for. Couples should appreciate each other every day but on this special day they can take out some time and really show each other what it means to be in love. <3 font="">

Oh and for the list of movies that you need to see before you die you should put:

A Perfect Man and He's Just Not That Into You 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Everything Ya Need To Know

Well well well someone wants to read something special. . .

Well isn't that surprising. . . 

Just to let you know I am not one of those desperate bloggers trying to make a huge point and blah blahh blahhhhhh !

I just need a place to collect my worrisome thoughts

Read on if you wish.